Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Liverpool Tattoo Convention 2011

Here is The Prov meeting entertainer Chris Cross. He also met Louis Malloy from the tv show London Ink, who tattoed David Beckham. He got some really nice feedback off everyone!

Gretna Green

 Prov went to a wedding in Gretna Green.

First day out

 The first place that Prov went was a play based on the Tales of the Unexpected.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Shown here with his twin brother, Provvy is born

 One of the two brothers will go to live with my artist friend, who will give him different provenance. years from now and periodically we will have them valued. When they gain some provenance from a person or a place it is recorded on a little tag and hung from him somewhere.